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Kids on School BusEmpowering teachers and school personnel to make a lasting difference in the lives of their students, NAMI Parents & Teachers as Allies (PTA) opens the door for schools to make a difference.

Our free, on-site presentation is led by a team consisting of a young adult with a mental health condition, a parent and a person with a teaching backround. Our 2-hour program will share how to:

  • Understand the difference between “bad behavior” and symptoms of a mental health condition.
  • Recognize early warning signs.
  • Communicate and partner with families effectively.
  • Link to community services quickly.
  • Create a supportive learning environment for all students.

Why Your School Needs NAMI Parents & Teachers as Allies

  • 1 in 5 kids experiences a mental health condition, but only 20% of them actually receive services.
  • About 50% of students ages 14+ with a mental health condition will drop out.
  • Suicide is the second-leading cause of death for 15-24 year olds.

With early identification and intervention, there is hope.

What People are Saying

“PTA gave me a new understanding of the importance of my role in early recognition of kids with symptoms of mental illness and the urgency of early intervention on their behalf.” – Education professional

“My sister lives with schizophrenia but was so good at hiding it for many years. Few people out there understand what to look for. Thank you for the work you do in creating support for families and improving awareness for educators. What you are doing is extremely important.” – Education professional

This program is designed for teachers, administrators, school health professionals, parents and others in the school community. To request a Parents & Teachers As Allies in-service presentation, complete a NAMI Presentation Request Form [PDF or editable DOC] and email it to jessica [dot] miller [at] namiaustin [dot] org. Please note: because we receive a large number of requests, we recommend you send in your request at least three weeks in advance. However, we do make every effort to fulfill each request we receive.

Additional Resources for Teachers, Counselors, Administrators

Mental Illness or Bad Behavior?

Tips for Teachers

Diagnosing Bipolar vs. ADHD

Summary of Current Brain Research-Children & Adolescents

NAMI’s Child and Adolescent Action Center

Additional Resources for Parents

What Families Can Do Fact Sheet

Getting An Accurate Diagnosis-10 Steps for Families

What Families Can Do When A Child May Have a Mental Illness-link to NAMI website

Kids in the House-a parent resource with videos, blogs and articles on a variety of topics

Families Share Their Thoughts on Effective Communication

The Family Experience with Primary Care Physicians and Staff

Start a Conversation about Children’s Mental Health
