When you, your family member or someone in your life is facing a mental health challenge, where do you turn?

If you’re like a growing number of people in our community, you turn to NAMI Austin because you know you’ll get the hope, help and support you need.

Like many families, Mike and Lisa* felt alone, isolated and lost after their daughter’s hospitalization. They blamed themselves for their daughter’s depression and felt overwhelmed as they cared for her while she worked courageously to recover.

Then they found NAMI Austin’s free classes and support groups. Mike and Lisa took a Family-to-Family class and

NAMI Austin offered hope and help

NAMI Austin provides hope and help.

attended a Family Support Group. When she was well enough, their daughter signed up for a Peer-to-Peer class. That’s when things began to change.

“NAMI Austin was a life saver for us.
We aren’t ashamed or alone anymore.”

Hope and help make a difference. Thanks to your support, almost 350 people like Mike, Lisa and their daughter have registered for our free classes this year and more than 1,500 attended our family and peer support groups.

We need you to show your support by making a gift to NAMI Austin as we expand to meet the community’s growing needs. And, thanks to a generous NAMI Austin supporter, every donation received through December 31 is doubled thanks to our $20,000 Match Grant.

 When you make a donation to NAMI Austin, you’re investing in exceptional no-cost  mental health education, support and advocacy programs. You’re helping us develop  and expand quality mental health programming that is changing lives.

We are on track to impact more than 100,000 people through our community  education and outreach programs including this fall’s community forum on jail  diversion and a mental health conference for faith communities. Imagine what we can  do in 2016 with your help!

Your generous donation will create a community in which mental health matters, and  no one is isolated, alone or ashamed. Families and their loved ones are counting  on your support. 

Make a one-time donation or commit to a monthly contribution today. We’re turning  to you so families, like Mike and Lisa’s, can to turn to us when they need  hope, help and support. Thank you so much for your gift!

*We’ve changed their names to respect their privacy.

Our $20,000 Match Grant Doubles Your Giving through December 31!



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