2015 Annual Meeting and Bylaw Amendments

The NAMI Austin Board of Directors is pleased to announce it has established Monday, November 30 as the date for its Annual Membership Meeting.
The 2015 annual membership meeting will include the adoption of bylaw amendments proposed by the current Board of Directors. You can review the bylaw amendments here:

The date of record for this election was September 30 in compliance with NAMI Austin bylaws, and this date was used to determine which members were in good standing (membership dues paid in full) in order to receive ballots for the November 30 elections.
The vote on accepting the bylaw amendments will will be conducted using both paper and electronic ballots.

  • Electronic ballots will be provided to members in good standing who have provided valid emails by October 30 via Election Buddy.
  • Paper ballots will be mailed to members in good standing (who do not have a valid email address) by October 30  and must be returned postmarked no later than November 23, 2015.
  • Paper ballots will be available for those members who have not previously voted (electronically or by mail) and who are in attendance at the annual meeting on November 30.
For more information, contact the office at 512-420-9810 or email [email protected]


For more information, contact the office at or email info [at] namiaustin [dot] org.