This year’s Kick-Off Lunch theme, “Why I Walk,” made it one of the most inspiring we’ve ever hosted. A brand new “Why I Walk”  video set the tone followed by our Executive Director providing details on how last year’s Walk funds created the opportunity for NAMI Austin to:

  • Increase the number of support groups from 2 to 10 (with 2 groups starting just before the Walk)
  • Almost double the number of Family-to-Family classes from 8 in 2013 to 15 in 2014
  • Increase the number of staff to include one full-time and two part-time employees

In addition, Team Captains were introduced to Derek Dillard, NAMI Austin’s first ever “Honorary Youth Team Captain.” Derek is featured in the Department State Health Services’ “Speak Your Mind Texas” Campaign, and his goal is to create a super team of youth and adults passionate about youth mental health. Successful 2013 Team Captains, Penny and Eliza, also shared their personal and inspiring “why” and everyone was invited to find and focus on their individual “why” as well. Having a powerful and meaningful reason for Walking is the driving force for a successful Austin NAMIWalks. Why do YOU walk? Use your reason for walking to inspire others to join or donate to your team.

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